Tag Archives: Tempura

How to Freeze Spaghetti Squash

I have volunteer squash all over the yard in odd places from tossing out bad ones last year. The vine out in the raspberry/ buckwheat patch has turned out to be a Calabash, or Vegetable Spaghetti squash.

Squash Hiding in the Buckwheat Patch
Squash Hiding in the Buckwheat Patch

Quite a few of them rotted before I realized they were ripe but I still have a good pile of them to deal with. These particular ones won’t keep because a rabbit injured them in small spots so I need to cook and save them for later. Since I wasn’t sure how best to freeze them I Googled “How to Freeze Spaghetti Squash” and got this great link to the site Pioneer Thinking which has some good recipes. 

So, I will cut them in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds, and bake them at 375 F for 30 minutes. Then fork out the strands, let them cool, pack into quart size freezer bags, label and freeze. I save some of the seeds to plant again and if you like you can roast them in the oven to eat. You can even eat the blossoms if you want. Tempura is a good way and Alexandra’s Kitchen has a good stuffed Tempured Blossom recipe.

Squash Blossom
Squash Blossom

I love Spaghetti squash and use it like pasta or rice for our standard “Stuff on Rice” dishes, which varies according to what is available in the garden and the fridge. I usually saute onions and garlic, add sliced mushrooms, then whatever veggies I have- like broccoli or tomatoes-add some broth, thicken it up with a little cornstarch/ cold water paste and spoon it on top of the hot spaghetti squash.

I also have a volunteer Patty Pan squash vine by the garage door, which is producing well, and found some recipes for it here at Delishably 

volunteer summer squash
Crookneck Squash in the Tomatoes

Yellow Crookneck squash volunteered in the middle of the tomato patch in the veggie garden and also mini gourds along the fence. I was hoping for some Blue Hubbard or Butternut but will have to plant them instead- right away, as soon as I dig the potatoes out to make room.

Most summer squash can be used interchangeably in recipes. One of my favorite ways is to slice them and cook them on the grill with a spritz of olive oil and herbs.

Happy gardening and eating

– Wendy lee at Edgewise woods, gardens and critters